
Last Updated: 2022-04-08

概要: The article below will give an introduction to what is HEIC image format and open the photo by using Bitwar HEIC 轉換 容易地!

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Apple creates the HEIC image format in 2017 as 高鐵, which is known as High Efficient Image Format, to overtake the JPEG image format as the default image format for devices. Besides, it is the default image for iOS version 11 or older and macOS High Sierra. Both image formats are developed by using the MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group).

HEIC Image

Still, there are some benefits and cons to the latest default image format of an iOS device which will show to you in the text below!

JPEG 圖像格式

所有用戶都熟悉 JPEG 圖像 format, and it is developed in the year 1992, which is called the Joint Photographic Experts Group.  The image format is very compatible and supported by most all the electronic devices on the Internet.


HEIC 格式允許用戶以 4k@60fps 為視頻標準拍攝更高質量的圖像或視頻。它佔用的空間更小,幫助用戶存儲多達兩倍的JPEG圖像空間。此外,它支持 16 位深色圖像,並提供比 JPEG 更亮或更高的圖像分辨率!


So far, right now, HEIC is only supported by limited systems or devices such as iOS 11, macOS High Sierra, or higher versions. Therefore, HEIC is still not as compatible and convenient as a JPEG image on the Internet. Still, the only way users can view or edit HEIC images is by using a HEIC converter to 將 HEIC 轉換為 JPEG、PNG、WEBP 或其他格式。

在 Apple 設備中配置 HEIC

HEIC 圖像發布後,iOS 還添加了許多其他新的相機功能,例如實時模式、連拍模式、人像模式、慢動作視頻等。所有功能都正常工作,能夠製作出高質量的圖片或視頻,都是因為HEIC的創新!

iPhone Settings

iOS 系統還允許用戶通過如下配置相機設置手動將 HEIC 的默認圖像更改為 JPEG:

Step 1: 解鎖 iPhone 並繼續使用 iPhone settings.

Step 2: 選擇 Camera 從設置。

Step 3: Finally, click Format最兼容.

如何打開 HEIC 文件?

假設您使用的是 iOS 11、macOS Sierra 或更高版本的設備,您應該可以查看 HEIC 文件。您可以輕鬆地與其他設備共享圖像,因為 iOS 系統支持文件共享,並有助於將 HEIC 圖像自動轉換為 JPEG。

因此,對於需要在計算機上打開 HEIC 圖像的其他用戶,他們將需要使用 HEIC轉換器 轉換圖片,最好的建議是 Bitwar HEIC 轉換 to do the job!

Bitwar Homepage

它是一款專業高效的軟件,可以將 HEIC 圖像轉換為多種支持的圖像格式。此外,它還支持批量轉換,為用戶節省時間!

Steps to Convert HEIC to Other Formats

The following steps take converting HEIC to PNG as an example:

  1. Go to Bitwarsoft download center, download and install the Bitwar HEIC converter on your computer.
  2. Run the software and drag or click Add file to add the HEIC photos you want to convert to the software. This software also supports batch conversion, and you can add multiple images at once.
  3. Set Format to PNG format, and click the ResizeQualityKeep EXIF ​​Info options to retain the original information of the picture.
  4. Then, click the 轉換 button to start conversion.
  5. After the conversion is complete, you can click the Open button to preview the new picture in the target folder.
Another Related HEIC ArticleConvert HEIC To JPG Using Bitwar HEIC Converter


許多用戶預測,HEIC 圖像將來會取代 JPEG 成為默認圖像格式。但是,由於目前支持 HEIC 的操作系統或設備仍然很少,這需要一些時間,但我希望這篇文章對您有所幫助!



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About Bitwar HEIC Converter

One-click to convert the Apple HEIC imgages to JPG, PNG, WEBP with lossless image quality and original EXIF metadata.


