Get Started the Bitwar Text Scanner

Last Updated: 2020-10-09

Resumo: This article tells users how to install Bitwar Text Scanner for Win version and introduces the main interface.


Click on the link Página oficial de download do software and download Bitwar Scanner de Texto for Win version.


Open the installation package, browse to specify a location to store the program, and then click on Instalar.


Interface Principal

Four Scan Methods

There are four methods you can select at the centre of the main interface; please refer to the next article to learn how to use them.

main interface

Botões em destaque

o Ícone de Avatar é onde os usuários podem se registrar, fazer login / logar, redefinir suas senhas e ver as informações da conta.

o Mais ícone shows Preferência, Interface de linguagem, Ativar, Update, e Cerca de.

For the next step about how to use this tool to scan text, click on the link below:

Get Familiar With the Four Scan Methods

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Artigo Anterior

Dê os primeiros passos, o Bitwar Watermark Expert Summary: This article tells users how to install Bitwar Text Scanner for Win version and introduces the main interface. Download Click on...

Artigo seguinte

Photo Watermark Remover Summary: This article tells users how to install Bitwar Text Scanner for Win version and introduces the main interface. Download Click on...