Achat, activation et mise à jour du logiciel

Last Updated: 2022-04-13

Résumé: The user guide below will allow users to learn the steps to PurchaseActiver, and Update in Convertisseur Bitwar PDF.

Licence d'achat

Users can purchase the PDF converter software license through the official online store or in-software purchase.

Note: In-software purchase doesn’t require the license code, the license will be activated right after your payment.

Achat intégré au logiciel

1. Log in to your account and click the Licence d'achat icon in the software. Suppose that you don’t have an account yet, create one before you purchase the software.

2. Select the Annual ou Permanent Use package according to your need by clicking Acheter maintenant to continue with the payment.

In software Price

3. Choose the payment type: Paypal or Credit Card and click Buy.

Payment Type

Boutique en ligne officielle

If you prefer to use the activation code to activate the software, go to the Boutique en ligne officielle to purchase the license. After buying the license, users will receive the code in the email address.

Online Store

Warm Prompt

Please take note to save the order number after your purchase, just in case you had forgotten the account login method, password, or license code; you can retrieve your account or account license by contacting the customer service for Account & License Retrieval by using the order number of the purchase!

Activate Software

Right after you had purchased the software license from the official store, check the Boîte de réception or Junk/Spam folder in your email address for the code. Then, follow with the steps below to activate the software license with the activation code.

1. Launch Convertisseur Bitwar PDF software and log in to your account. Go to Plus Menu et choisissez Activer.


2. Copy and paste the activation code into the space. Then, click Activer to activate the software.

Activate Code

3. The activation code has been bound to your VIP account now and all you need to do is log in to this VIP account on your computer in the future.

How to Check License Validity Time

Right after you had successfully activated the software license, your VIP license will be activated automatically. You can check the license validity time through the User Center in the software.

VIP License

Update Software

Suppose that there are new versions or updates, users can update the software manually in the software.

1. Open Convertisseur Bitwar PDF and click Update from the Plus Menu.

Update Software

2. Follow the update instruction and if there is no new update, the message “No updates found” will appear.

No Updates

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Achat, activation et mise à jour du logiciel Summary: The user guide below will allow users to learn the steps to Purchase, Activate, and Update in Bitwar PDF Converter. Purchase License Users can...

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