So stellen Sie beschädigte Videodateien wieder her

Last Updated: 2021-11-24

Zusammenfassung: In some cases, you cannot repair damaged video files. Therefore, this article shares a free method of using Bitwar-Videoreparatur to repair corrupted video files,  this software is used to repair severely damaged videos and make them playable.


Fixing Corrupted Video Files with Bitwar Video Repai

Sometimes, you may be trying to play a video with a video player, and then suddenly receive an error message indicating that the video is corrupted or there are other problems preventing the player from reading it.

Try Bitwar video Repair — software used to repair damaged video files.

This tool can handle various video format files, such as MP4, MOV damage files.

Steps to use software to repair damaged video files

Step 1. Start Bitwar video repair. Klicken Datei hinzufügen to add damaged or unplayable video files to the software.

add file

Step 2. Click the “Reparatur” button to start the video repair process.

repair file

Step 3. Vorschau the repaired file before saving it. You can play the preview file to check if your video has been repaired.



The powerful video repair software can be regarded as an effective alternative method for restoring damaged video files to a playable format. This professional video repair software can save you time, try it now!

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Über Bitwar-Videoreparatur

Batch-Reparatur aller Arten von Schäden und beschädigten Videodateien von allen Aufnahmegeräten.

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