شراء البرامج وتنشيطها وتحديثها
ملخص: سيوضح دليل المستخدم أدناه الخطوات الخاصة بكيفية الشراء والتفعيل والتحديث في Bitwar Android Data Recovery.
جدول المحتويات
Purchase License
يمكن للمستخدمين شراء البرنامج من خلال official online store أو الشراء داخل البرنامج.
ملاحظة: In-software purchase requires no license code, as the license has been activated right after your payment.
In-software Purchase
1. أولا ، Log inإلى حسابك في البرنامج ثم انقر فوق عربة التسوق رمز في الزاوية العلوية اليمنى. إذا لم يكن لديك حساب ، يمكنك إنشاء حساب.
2. Choose Annual أو Lifetime package according to your requirements.
3. Choose the Payment Method and click Buy to complete the transaction.
Official Online Store
If you prefer a license code for software activation, you can then purchase the license code from the Official Online Store. Users will receive the code in the email address after purchasing the software.
Note: Please check the Junk/Spam or Inbox for the license code from the Bitwar support team.
After getting the license code, we can then move to the next step to activate the software using this code.
خطوات تنشيط Bitwar Android Data Recovery
Step 1: Launch the software and log in. If you don’t have an account, please create one.
الخطوة 2: اضغط علىMore Menu and choose Activate.
الخطوة 3: انسخ ملفLicense code from the email and pasteفي الفراغ.
Step 4: Click on Activate to activate the software.
Step 5: The activation code has been bound to your VIP account now and all you need to do is log in to this VIP account on your computer in the future.
How to Check License Validity Time
Users can check the license validity time in this way: Click on your username > My account.
Software Update
Users can always get the latest version of the software after its release.
1. Launch Bitwar Android Data Recovery.
2. انقر فوق More Menu and choose Update.
3. If there is a new version, follow the instructions to update the software. If not, there will be a message that reads “This is the latest version!”.